Managing SUTs in Eggplant DAI
From Controller > SUTs, you can manage system under test (SUT) connections in Eggplant DAI to automate testing on remote systems. You can also view, add, edit, and delete SUTs and connection types here. The list of SUTs is updated dynamically as connections are added, deleted, or modified. You can have any number of SUTs connected at any given time.
A SUT appears locked if it is being used by another user or by a test run in progress. Locked SUTs cannot be used for any other purpose until they are unlocked.
The following columns are displayed to provide at-a-glance details about each SUT connection:
- Name: Display name of the SUT.
- Description: Description of the SUT.
- Criteria Tags: Any criteria tag defined for the selected SUT that you're viewing. A SUT can have one or more criteria tags.
- Connection Types: Connection types defined for a SUT. It could have one or more of the following connection types: VNC, RDP, Web driver. However, note that VNC and RDP connection types do not work together.
- Status: Indicates the availability of the SUT. The options are: Locked, Unlocked (Available) and Disabled.
Click the Actions menu to Edit, Delete, or Unlock a SUT and its associated connection types.
Click the SUT name to view full SUT details.
You can filter the SUTs view by clicking Filter All to filter by All, Available, Locked, and Disabled.
You need to have Administrator permissions to be able to edit, delete, or unlock SUTs in Eggplant DAI.
Adding SUT Connections
If you're using DAI Eggplant Cloud (previously called Hosted DAI), you don't need to register or add SUTs manually as Cloud SUTs will automatically be allocated during test execution.
You can define a variety of ways to connect to a SUT in Eggplant DAI. Eggplant DAI supports Virtual Network Computing (VNC) and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections for testing desktop systems and mobile device connections, WebDriver for object-based testing of apps on web browsers, web applications, and mobile devices. The connections defined against SUTs are established automatically when the SUT is used to run a test in the Controller > Runner.
Follow these steps to add a new SUT connection:
Go to Controller > SUTs.
From the top menu, click Add New +.
Enter the display Name and Description for the SUT so that you can easily identify it in your existing list of SUTs.
Add Criteria tags by entering a name for the tag and pressing Enter. You can add any number of criteria tags, which can be used for selecting a SUT to use in a test.
Add the Execution Environment(s) to be used for this SUT by typing a name for it and pressing Enter. You can add multiple execution environments by entering names separated by a comma, e.g., Exec01, Exec02. If a SUT is only accessible from particular Execution Environments (Agents), then specify them here. When this field is left blank, any available execution environment will be used to connect to the SUT when a test is run.
(Optional) Select the Disable SUT checkbox, if necessary. This will prevent the SUT from being used when running tests.
Click Add Connection + to define a Connection Type for your SUT.
Select a Connection Type from the following options:
- RDP: Select for connections via RDP.
- VNC: Select for connections via VNC.
- Webdriver: Select for connections using Selenium WebDriver.
- Citrix: Select for connections using Citrix.
- Sauce Labs Browser: Select for connections using Sauce Labs Browser.
- Sauce Labs Device: Select for connections using Sauce Labs Device.
See the referenced sections below for adding each of the connection types in detail.
ノートYou can define one or more connection types, but
- VNC and RDP connection types should not be defined together.
- Sauce Labs Browser and Sauce Labs Device connection types should not be defined together.
Click Save and Close.
The newly added SUT connections appear in the SUTs tab.
Step by Step: Entering RDP Connection Details
- From the Connection Type list, select
. - Enter the IP address or Hostname of the SUT you want to connect to. The RDP connections default to port 3389, but you can change this if necessary.
- For RDP connections, the Password and Username fields refer to the Windows user account you are connecting to. This information is always required for RDP connections.
- Specify the Width and Height at which the RDP session window must open.
- Click Save connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
For RDP connection to work, your SUT must be configured to accept the connection.
RDP Settings
- Server (IP Address, Hostname): Enter the SUT's IP Address or Hostname.
- Port: The port number used to connect to the SUT.
- Username: The username of RDP connection for SUT to connect.
- Password: The password of RDP connection for SUT to connect.
- Color Depth: (Optional) The depth of color with which the VNC sessions open. To increase the speed of your connection, you can decrease the color depth by selecting a lower depth from the options available in the drop-down list.
- Default: Select this to draw the SUT with the same color depth you see on its native display.
- Millions (32-bit): Select this to increase the color depth of the SUT by millions of colors that are otherwise not visible to the human eye.
- Thousands (16-bit): Select this to decrease the color depth of the SUT to 65,536 colors.
- 256 (8-bit): Select this to decrease the color depth of the SUT to 256 colors.
- Width and Height: (Optional) is the width and height at which the RDP session window must open.
Step by Step: Entering VNC Connection Details
- From the Connection Type list, select
. - Enter the IP address or Hostname of the SUT you want to connect to. The VNC connections default to port 5900, but you can change this if necessary.
- For VNC connections, the Username and Password fields refer to the VNC server on the SUT. If this information is required to connect to the VNC server, enter it here. On Windows, enter your SSH key in the Password field.
- (Optional) Add the required SSH Settings for this connection.
- Click Save connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
VNC Settings
- Server (IP Address, Hostname): Enter the SUT's IP Address or Hostname.
- Port: The port number used to connect to the SUT.
- Username: (Optional) The username of VNC connection for SUT to connect.
- Password: (Optional) The password of VNC connection for SUT to connect.
- Color Depth: (Optional) The depth of color with which the VNC sessions open. To increase the speed of your connection, you can decrease the color depth by selecting a lower depth from the options available in the drop-down list:
- Default: Select this to draw the SUT with the same color depth you see on its native display.
- Millions (32-bit): Select this to increase the color depth of the SUT by millions of colors that are otherwise not visible to the human eye.
- Thousands (16-bit): Select this to decrease the color depth of the SUT to 65,536 colors.
- 256 (8-bit): Select this to decrease the color depth of the SUT to 256 colors.
- Scale Ratio: Select the option to scale VNC servers by 50 percent in each dimension. This option provides better performance when you are using mobile devices with large screens or high resolution.
- SSH Settings: (Optional) Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that uses data encryption to transfer information securely.
- Host: The host name or IP address of the computer that hosts an SSH tunnel for the SUT’s secure connections.
- Username: The account name with which the SUT user logs into an SSH host.
- Password: The password with which the SUT user logs into an SSH Host.
Step by Step: Entering WebDriver Connection Details
From the Connection Type list, select
. -
Enter the IP address or Hostname of the SUT you want to connect to. WebDriver connections default to port 4444, but you can change this if necessary.
Select a Browser from the following options:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
- Internet Explorer
- None
Add any desired WebDriver Capabilities as key value pairs, using JSON format.
ノートIf your test uses a browser that is not listed in the Browser drop-down list above, then select None and enter
browserName: <your browser>
as one of the key value pairs in the Capabilities field. -
Click Save connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
ノートAny WebDriver devices configured to use this SUT will automatically connect when running tests. You can use WebDriver() functions in your SenseTalk snippets to get access to this connection and perform actions against it.
WebDriver Settings
- Server (IP Address, Hostname): Enter the SUT's IP Address or Hostname.
- Port: The port number used to connect to the SUT.
- Browser: (Optional) The type of browser to launch by the SUT during testing.
- Capabilities: (Optional) A valid JSON that used to communicate the features supported by a session.
Step by Step: Entering Citrix Connection Details
- From the Connection Type list, select
. - Enter Username and Password of the Citrix account.
- Enter Storefront URL. For example:
http://{server}/Citrix/{company name}
. - Enter Application name.
- (Optional) Enter Screenshot Interval. The default value is
milliseconds. - (Optional) Enter resolution Width and Height. The default value is
. - Click Save Connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
For more information about the setup, see Install Eggplant Functional and Citrix.
Citrix Settings
- Username: The username of Citrix for SUT to connect.
- Password: The password of Citrix for SUT to connect.
- Storefront URL: The URL of Citrix Storefront.
- Application: The application to launch in Citrix.
- Screenshot Interval: (Optional) This is the time to wait between two subsequent captures of the Citrix frame buffer.
- Width and Height: (Optional) The width and height at which the Citrix window must open.
Step by Step: Entering Sauce Labs Browser Connection Details
From the Connection Type list, select
Sauce Labs Browser
. -
Enter the Username and API Key of the Sauce Labs to which account you want to connect to.
Select a Data Center from the following options:
- us-west-1
- eu-central-1
- apac-southeast-1
Click Check Connection to validate the Sauce Labs connection. When the Sauce Labs account is successfully validated, more Sauce Labs settings will be visible for configuration.
Select a Platform name from the available options to specify the operating system of the SUT to run a test.
Select a Browser name from the available options to specify the type of browser to launch for testing by the SUT.
(Optional) Select a Version from the available options to specify the browser version of the selected browser type to be used for testing by the SUT. By default the latest available version from Sauce Labs will be used, if the version is not specified.
(Optional) Specify the Width and Height at which the session window must open. The default value is
. -
(Optional) Enter the URL you want to navigate to when the browser launches.
Click Save connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
Your Sauce Labs connection will end after 3 hours.
For more information about supported Platform name, Browser name and Version, see Supported Browsers & Devices.
Sauce Labs Browser Settings
- Username: The username of Sauce Labs for SUT to connect to.
- API Key: The API Key from Sauce Labs for SUT to connect to. For more information, see Sauce Labs user settings.
- Data Center: The location of the servers where your tests are run and related artifacts are stored.
- Check Connection: To validate Sauce Labs account and enable more Sauce Labs configuration.
- Platform name: The operating system used by Sauce Labs as SUT.
- Browser name: The type of browser to launch and run the test.
- Version: (Optional) The version of the browser you want to use in your test.
- Width and Height: (Optional) The width and height at which the Sauce Labs browser window must open. For more information about supported resolution, see Sauce Labs platform configuration.
- URL: (Optional) The website address to navigate to when the browser launches.
Step by Step: Entering Sauce Labs Device Connection Details
From the Connection Type list, select
Sauce Labs Device
. -
Enter the Username and API Key of the Sauce Labs to which account you want to connect to.
Select a Data Center from the following options:
- us-west-1
- eu-central-1
- apac-southeast-1
Click Check Connection to validate the Sauce Labs connection. When the Sauce Labs account is successfully validated, more Sauce Labs settings will be visible for configuration.
Select a Platform name from the available options to specify the operating system of the SUT to run a test.
Select a Device name from the available options to specify type of mobile device to use for testing.
(Optional) Enter the App path or URL you want to launch on the SUT. If you don't specifiy a value, the SUT will just start-up without any app begin launched. For more information, see Mobile App Storage.
Click Save connection to save the connection details to the Connection Types list.
Your Sauce Labs connection will end after 3 hours.
For more information about supported Platform name and Device name, see Supported Browsers & Devices.
Sauce Labs Device Settings
- Username: The username of Sauce Labs for SUT to connect to.
- API Key: The API Key from Sauce Labs for SUT to connect to. For more information, see Sauce Labs user setting.
- Data Center: The location of the servers where your tests are run and related artifacts are stored.
- Check Connection: To validate Sauce Labs account and enable more Sauce Labs configuration.
- Platform name: The operating system used by Sauce Labs as SUT.
- Device name: The type of mobile device and version to used as SUT.
- App: (Optional) Allows you to set a path to an .ipa, .apk, .aab or .zip file containing the mobile app you want to test.
Editing SUT Connections
To edit an existing SUT connection:
- Go to Controller > SUTs.
- Find the SUT connection that you're interested in updating, then from the
Actions menu, select Edit.
- From here you can update the SUT information or connection details.
Viewing SUT Connections
To view the details for an existing SUT:
- Go to Controller > SUTs.
- Find the SUT connection that you want to view, then click on the connection name.
If the SUT is locked, click on the padlock icon in the Status column to unlock it.
About Passwords and API Keys
Passwords and API Keys are write-only. Once you have saved the connection details you will not be able to access the password or API Key again later, so you must make sure you store the password or API Key in a separate, secure location if you will need to access it in future.
When adding or editing a password or API Key you can click the toggle icon to reveal your newly entered password or API Key value before saving.